We always check out our snow owl when we go on our daily walks. The temperature here in Stockholm has ranged between -4 C and +7 C in the past two weeks. The snow was gone, and then it came back, and now it's gone again. March is just as blustery here as it is at home in southern Alberta. And the days are getting longer. It's now lightish at 5:30 and the sun comes up just before 6 a.m. and sets around 6 p.m. 12 hours of light!! (Just like in Kenya year round). So nice!!
Our snow owl is aging! But it's still basically intact, due to Per's daily care!
Nice to see our owl in the daylight. The tarp protects it from the rain/snow. It's so big that it takes a very long time to completely melt. Remember how our grandparents kept ice under straw in a pit all summer long? We remember LeRon's grandma, Flora Torrie, telling us how they were able to have homemade ice cream in the summer with the ice they had harvested from the river in the winter. |
Per scoops snow from the back end to keep the head built up. This snowy owl is going to see flowers blooming in the spring! Click on this picture to enlarge, and you will see the "scarecrow" Per made to scare off vandals. From a distance, and particularly at night, it looks like a man standing there. So creative! |
We saw our aging owl on the evening of March 17. It's looking a little wrinkly and its eyebrows are showing its age! Per made the eyes from rounds of wood that he painted with glitter. The beak is made of a tree root, and painted with glitter. The table in front is a mosaic Per made. What a handyman! |
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