Last Saturday it was sunny and the fall leaves were pretty so we took a drive out of the city and into the countryside. It was so good for us! We are not city people. Although where we live doesn't seem very city-ish with all its trees. But I was glad to get out and see cropland and SKY! So now we can say . . . yes, Sweden is a beautiful country!
We pass this housing complex a lot. It's for immigrants and it makes me feel so sorry for them. Hopefully not all immigrants to Sweden have to live in these kinds of units.
Each door is a separate apartment and it looks like there's only one window and it faces out the back of each apartment. I would die of claustrophobia but hopefully this is better living than wherever the immigrants came from. I sure hope so.
We're still in the city, but heading out. So many trees!
Now we're on the freeway. Still trees on both sides. But soon we're going to get off the freeway and travel the backroads. We have GPS so we won't get lost.
So much bedrock here. No wonder Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. Takes a lot of dynamite to blast through the bedrock to form the roads.
So excited to see a field of winter canola. Either that or else that's a lot of volunteer canola.
Or maybe it's canola planted with winter wheat?
We love old churches. So excited to see this one. Rick Steves says there's more town halls than cathedrals in Sweden so we were in luck to find this one.
So happy to see cropland and SKY!
Love the barn-style rooflines on the houses. So picturesque with the trees and the winter wheat field. |
Beware of horses crossing the road. In Israel, it's beware of camels crossing; in Kenya, it was beware of baboons crossing. In another place in Stockholm, it was beware of moose crossing. At home in Alberta, it's beware of deer crossing. So interesting to see how things are different in different countries.
Love the brickwork.
We also love wandering through cemeteries. We wonder what kinds of lives the people led. Were they happy? Did they love where they live? We saw lots of heather planted by graves.
The rock work on the lower part is so interesting. And look at those thick walls!
My high school friend in Taber, Diane Clifton, married Donald Hallstrom (who is now an Emeritus Seventy. Seventy is an office in the priesthood). I wonder if this Hallstrom is related to them.
This tiny village is basically just the church, the manse, and a couple of houses. So cool!
Look at that heavy soil!!! So interesting compared to the sandy soil on our farm.
I remember how struck I was last year when we were visiting my friends in Sweden, how when we got out into the countryside, houses looked SO much like barns and houses in North America. The only other place in Europe I've been that made me think so much of North American style buildings was Northern Ireland. I guess it's kind of easy to tell where a lot of the architecture styles in North America come from, eh!